HelmZar, Farwell
how thankful we are for the time we had to help change lives through “teamwork”; communicating, listening, trusting, using integrity, being

Featured Artist
Featuring Native American and local artist, Johnnie Lee Diacon. He is now part of the creative force behind the graphic novel, "Tales o

Letter From the Editor
Seeking the Best of Everything Tulsa Aristocrats magazine is for those seeking the best of everything. That’s not to be mistaken for the...

ACA & Me
With all this history of our government providing, legislating, and mandating healthcare, why is the United States the only one of thirty-th

National Poetry Month
Poems inspire a variety of feelings with varying messages - and well they should. Aphorisms suggest monologues and oratory fail the poetic t

Good Morning Mr. President
Lately my morning routine has changed. Taking a deep breath, stretching and smiling at the thought of a new day, has trolled into a mad...