KINDNESS. It’s a simple thing really, so simple, we take it for granted. Kindness is something that is easily accessible, really not that...

On the Radio
Who is your favorite radio DJ? Do you even listen to music played by stations with DJ’s? Before my parents married in 1952, dad gave mom...

HelmZar, Farwell
how thankful we are for the time we had to help change lives through “teamwork”; communicating, listening, trusting, using integrity, being

Featured Artist
Featuring Native American and local artist, Johnnie Lee Diacon. He is now part of the creative force behind the graphic novel, "Tales o

Letter From the Editor
Seeking the Best of Everything Tulsa Aristocrats magazine is for those seeking the best of everything. That’s not to be mistaken for the...

ACA & Me
With all this history of our government providing, legislating, and mandating healthcare, why is the United States the only one of thirty-th